Sunday, August 19, 2007

Journal Jar Prompt #4

What do you do to let others know you love them?


Boquinha said...

This is something I'm not afraid to do--show love. As vulnerable as it may make me, I do it and enjoy it. I think this is a big part of what life is all about--love, love, love.

I show others I love them by saying it--"I Love You."

I also show it by being myself, being honest, doing thoughtful things for them and thinking of things to do and say to help them feel the love I have for them. I feel love very, VERY deeply and sometimes feel that I'm bubbling over with love and so it gushes out! :P

Dr. Mark said...

To be honest, I have historically been quite awful at expressing my love for others. Meeting my wonderful wife, and then having a family together has helped me to develop the ability to at least verbally share my love.

In the end, I think I will always be better at showing my love through the things I do for others. I've always had an easier time doing things (household chores, special projects, just because tokens, etc.) so that's what I end up doing most.